I know, every parent has to deal and overcome these things but when you knowingly add another child or children into the mix on top of a complex needs kiddo, it weighs heavily on your mind. Now we got very very lucky when we had H with how close and loving R and H actually are. Even when I had to stay in hospital before H was born, then when he was born 9 weeks early followed by R's 4th birthday 2 days later, he only got a call from mummy that day and it still breaks my heart when I think about how he casually and quietly asked when I was coming home.
Now that H is 3 years old and learning about actually talking for himself (R tends to do his talking lol) R is learning that you can love someone yet get annoyed at them. H is standing up for himself so much more when it comes to R, he used to just follow R everywhere and do exactly what R asked him too.
R gets upset when H pushes him out of his personal space telling R 'no'. Yet I don't often get involved in those little arguments because do you know what? Both of them are learning about personal space and what is and isn't socially acceptable.
Does it always go this way? No!
Sometimes I have to wade in and do some mummy shouting and break them apart, even if they aren't actually fighting but playing. Why? Well their playing involves jumping on sofas and generally doing unacceptable things to our furniture and non toys items.
Then there are times like tonight. Me and hubby are going on one of our extremely rare Date Nights out, H has a cold and R keeps trying to 'make him feel better' - smother him in hugs lol - so R came up with a compromise which I was impressed by (it's a concept we have barely introduced) and this is the result:
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