Sunday, 20 March 2016

After school and weekends.....

Those awkward hours when you love having your kiddos around but don't really know what to do with them, especially if arts and crafts isn't really your (or your kiddos) thing!

We still have these times when we know that they need to be doing something but either the weather isn't great or there just isn't time for outdoor fun - tv and Xbox time help in these moments (no judgement please!)

Now a days I sometimes feel R has more of a social life than I do, to be honest that's not hard considering my own health lol! Every 2 weeks R has adaptive ski lessons for an hour, he's about to be registered with the Norfolk branch of the U.K. Special Olympics so that he can compete next year! It's been his choice from day 1!

To top that off he stays after school every Thursday for football club, which he loves and yes he gets one to one most of the time during these clubs. It's a fantastic yet scary feeling when your complex needs kiddo can attend something like after school clubs WITHOUT you being there 'just in case'.

It gets worse, but better, with the launch of the Children's University in the UK, R is more keen to do
things like swimming, library runs and woodland walks! All because he earns stamps which go towards awards. If you are in the UK check out The children's university website for loads more info!

For H there isn't a lot out there for his age but he loves the library and walks. He keenly watches R at skiing and wants to learn too when he's 5 and can get lessons. He's like a sponge and we are hoping that by watching what R is able to do, and us encouraging both of them, that H will want to try new things like R has had to learn to do recently.

Most schools will have access to what's available to your area for after school clubs and weekend sessions, if you want to access something different or new for your kiddos. We have learnt very very recently, that each day should be an oppourtunity for learning - be that expanding what you already know or for something new and exciting.

So our new motto (at least until we learn something new!) is: LEARN SOMETHING DIFFERENT EACH DAY!