Being a parent to any child is a constant learning journey but add into it ANY extra needs - Autism, ADHD, ADD, speech delays you name it - can make this typical journey so much more of a journey. We still have to achieve the same milestones as any other parent yet still navigate the whirlpool of doctors appointments, specialists, not getting answers, people judging and my worse nightmare of all - being told you are a bad parent!
Yup I have been told this, all because I was sick of constantly saying 'Sorry, he's autistic' whenever a meltdown occurred outside of the house, so had at shirt made that said 'I'm not being naughty I have autism but I'm awesome!' It made it so much easier to explain why we needed a booth and not. Normal table and why he was crying over the fact he had lettuce on his plate and therefore couldn't eat anything on that plate.
My message today is that no matter how low you feel, no matter the judging of others or of yourself - as long as your child is happy (however they show this!), as long as they show you that they love you and want you - know that you are. Being the BEST parent you can b, therefore in my book:
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