Sunday 31 July 2016

Set backs

Every so often you get lulled into a false sense of normality. This results in a slow relaxation of routines, discipline and of the 'meerkat' affect.

Just to clarify here: the 'meerkat' affect is what I personally call the constant looking, chasing and general paranoia us parents can have when in public or crowded areas.

When this becomes reduced, be warned - the set backs happen!!!!

It can come in any form, R tends to have more meltdowns or act out at school. Other children may use baby words or even retreat into themselves.

We all suffer with them as routine is re-established and 'normality' is resumed, just until the relaxation happens.

I have found that this viscous cycle is never ending. For some, constant vigilance of routines helps to break it. For others, the 'meerkat' is sufficient to keep out of the cycle.

For us here? Well nothing really breaks it. This isn't helped by the fact 3 of us have ASD traits and excell at routines whilst my fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome don't follow any routine.

My advice - take each day, each hour as it comes. Have fun where fun presents itself.